

This site is for hosting lyrics of Japanese songs that I like (Vocaloid, Touhou Vocal). I transcribed them in a way that makes sense to me along with consulting official lyrics (if available), so specifics like what constitutes a new line or how furigana is spaced are my own preferences. I might add other tangentially related stuff in the future if I feel like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy/get use out of this site. (::

Made for ~4:3 viewing. Don't waste your screen space!


All mascot images (the guys in the background) are credited in the title attribute on their img elements as well as in their file names. Additional miscellaneous images who share a source with another image may not be sourced. The PatchCon style PNGs are from @AI_Mebius on Twitter here. As for the GIFs, I found them on http://emojibank.com .